
An organization on the move. A brand that keeps everything in cync.

Access and innovation drive the team behind CyncHealth. Established as the Nebraska Health Information Initiative (NEHII), the organization was committed to do just that: create an easier way for people’s healthcare information to be shared among medical professionals in a safe way. They were so successful the model became more and more in demand, especially by other states, and the opportunity to do much more with the resources at hand led NEHII to reevaluate everything—from its story to the organization of its programs. It also led to massive growth at warp speed.

To help the young, growing organization gain clarity around who it is and how it can best communicate its story, the Daake team led NEHII through the rebranding process. Extensive research (during the pandemic no less) and collaboration allowed the organization to effectively launch a new name, a clearly defined organization structure and a brand identity designed to better articulate what NEHII has evolved into, including where it’s going.

As CyncHealth, the brand clearly addresses its purpose in bringing information and people together under the healthcare umbrella.

Work we did:

• New Name
• Brand strategy
• Brand architecture
• Brand identity

When it became orange:

Much of our research was done via Zoom. In one day-long session there were roughly 20 people on the screen. As we were talking through the core elements of their brand, it was incredible to see the commitment, collaboration and heart. Seeing heads nodding and hearing deep conversation in a remote environment just proves how important and how possible this work is.


Children's Hospital & Medical Center Consumer Campaign